
Artios have grown and now promote and manage several product lines.  They needed product images that would publish to the web. We talked about the three very different products and the type of images we could get from them.  I picked up the products from the offices and we shot the photography in the studio the next day, sent proofs that afternoon and finished the job the next morning. The finished assignment was delivered within 48 hours.


Winton Capital

Winton had commissioned an extremely beautiful garden based on a mathematical formula at the Chelsea Flower Show. They wanted a record of the garden on press day shot in as lively a way as possible. They needed the AM photography edited and distributed by lunch time and the PM  photography distributed late that night. The garden was fabulous, the people were lovely and all the work was delivered on time.


EM Ltd

EM Ltd., an international executive recruitment company, had recently redesigned their website and needed their team photographed for the “Who Are We” pages.  On a boardroom meeting day we had almost the whole team in one place and a small window of time to photograph everyone.  We set up a studio in the park opposite the Piccadilly offices in order use the trees as a background, thrown of focus with a low depth of field. The colours also complimented their website colour scheme. The client was very happy and this is an ongoing project.


Renzacci PLC

Renacci, a leading supplier of dry cleaning equipment in the UK, needed to update their new website with photography of their staff in a boardroom setting. They also commissioned two videos, one to show the office and the work being done and another to show the showroom and products. Backbone were very happy to help with both these projects. The photography was prepared and tests completed very early in the morning so that we could start at 9.00. Everyone was excited, the smiles genuine and the laughter real and we all had a great time on the job.


British American Tobacco

British American Tobacco, a client of many years, needed an Impact Poster showing how different departments worked.  After a careful briefing, we started to shadow and photograph head of the work group throughout the morning, in his meetings, informal discussions, the implementing of work processes and enjoying a coffee break with work friends. BAT has always been an exacting client with a clear idea of what’s wanted and the whole project worked very well. It’s always been a pleasure working with them over the years.


Ophir Energy

Ophir Energy is a fast growing energy company on the World market. Backbone was commissioned to shoot pictures of the members of the board and senior executives at their London HQ over the course of two days. The brief was that we should light the set in such a way that could be replicated at any time of year. We chose to erect a background across the walls so we could repeat the operation at any time.  Everything worked to plan and the client was happy with the results. Job done.


Locksmith Animation

Locksmith is the first dedicated high-end feature animation studio ever created in the U.K. Set up with the backing of Elizabeth Murdoch, Sarah Smith of “Arthur Christmas fame” commissioned Backbone to document the jobs being done at Locksmith to illustrate their new website, but also to show the people and the work being done for the synopsis publications.  We spent fascinating two days in the offices capturing the unique world of animation and the animators were very happy with the photographers’ impression.